ZeliaZZ Tan (Hong Kong)

Research for personal project

Tupac Martir (UK) 

Prototypes for a mixed reality project

Ìfẹ́ olúwa Ọ̀ ṣúnkọ́yà (Nigeria)

Studio visit and equipement support for a residency at the HEK / Haus für Elektronische

Künste in Basel.

Victoria Chiu (Australia)

Research for personal project

Ben Andrew and Emma Roberts (Australia) and Cie Gilles Jobin

Research and developement for collaborative project

La Colère (CH) 

Mentoring for musical stage performance

Cie If (Genève) Isis Fahmy (CH), Benoit Renaudin (CH)

Mocap shoot for mixed reality project


Creative Mocap workshop @ Studio44 MocapLab 

Association Les Rencontres Profesionelles  - 7 technologists and 6 dancers



Ainslee Alem Robson (USA) + Kidus Hailesilassie (Ethiopia) + Elisabeth Efua Sutherland (Ghana)

Art Digital, Architecture, Chorégraphie. Résidence de recherche et développement

Cie If (Genève) Isis Fahmy (CH), Benoit Renaudin (CH)

Théâtre. Résidence de création for Lavinia. Première La Grange de Dorigny Sept 2023


Gibson + Martelli (UK) 

Choreography and Art Digital. Residency research and development

Philipp Fury (USA) + Cie Gilles Jobin (CH) + guests (CH)

Residency in Motion capture

Anouschka and the Braid of Time (Los Angeles-Amsterdam) 

Tamara Shogaoulu / Ado Ato Productions (Los Angeles-Amsterdam) 

Mocap shoot for AR piece

Box Productions (CH)  
Motion capture test for animation movie

Fabrice Aragno - Jean-Luc Godard  (CH)  

R&D for VR project



Instituto Stocos (Madrid) 

Creation Muriel Romero (Madrid), Pablo Palacios (Madrid), Daniel Bisig (Zurich). EMBODIED MACHINE Mercat de les Flors Barcelone June 2022.

Cie If (Genève) 

R&D  Isis Fahmy (Genève), Benoit Renaudin (Genève), Raphaël Munoz (Genève), Christina Antonarakis, (Genève), Georgia Rushton (Genève), Zoé Sjollema (Genève) 

Brigitte Fässler (Bâle) 

R&D. Equipement


Zelia ZZ Tan (Hong Kong) and Pedro Ribot (Genève) 

Dance. R&D residency.

Anouschka and the Braid of Time (Los Angeles-Amsterdam) R&D for AR project. Tamara Shogaoulu / Ado Ato Productions (Los Angeles-Amsterdam) 


Richi Owaki (Yamaguchi) R&D  

Instituto Stocos (Madrid) R&D 

Muriel Romero (Madrid), Pablo Palacios (Madrid), Daniel Bisig (Zurich) 


Rudi Van Der Merwe (Genève) 

Mocap shoot and creation for the digital piece ARi3L



  • Either Or Cover Art Gilles Jobin
  • Womb Cover Art Gille Jobin
  • Cosmogony Cover Artwork
  • RESET! Beasts and Demons
  • Cosmogony Cover Artwork