Studio 44 MocapLab is a dance studio equipped for motion capture and digital creation. Ideally located in the heart of Geneva, homebase of the Cie Gilles Jobin, the studio offers a stimulating creative environment combining innovative choreographic and digital skills. Run by artists for artists, the studio is dedicated to creative digital technologies from the perspective of the performing arts and movement, establishing itself as a creative hub for local and international artists.
Equiped with 42 high end optical motion capture cameras, Studio 44 MocapLab is recognized for its high-quality equipment and its team’s expertise in quality of movement for motion capture.
Studio 44 MocapLab welcome creative teams interested in exploring digital technologies, providing them with a comprehensive and inclusive space to experiment without the constraints of commercial studios. The studio hosts a variety of projects at different stages of development, ranging from motion capture research to prototypes for real time interactive projects, digital productions, casting, mentoring and professional formation.